Notes Of ENT

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These notes are created to make some topics easy...

* It does not cover all the topics

It gives idea about "How to prepare a Topic"

* Students must refer other books to cover other topics to pass the Exam.

Important Topics Of ENT

Lecture 1


  1. Tympanic membrane

  2. Middle ear

  3. Inner ear

  4. Physiology of hearing

  5. TFT

  6. Presbycusis

  7. BPPV

  8. Furuncle

  9. Foreign body in ear

  10. Eustachian tube

  11. Acute suppurative otitis media

  12. Otitis media with effusion

  13. Chronic suppurative otitis media

  14. Mastoditis

  15. Facial nerve anatomy

  16. Bell’s palsy

  17. Otosclerosis

  18. Menieres disease

  19. Acoustic Neuroma

  20. Chochlear implant


  1. Waldayer’s ring

  2. Adenoid facies

  3. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma

  4. Tonsil anatomy

  5. Acute tonsillitis

  6. Chronic tonsillitis

  7. Ludwing’s angina

  8. Quinsy

  9. Pharyngeal pouch

Lecture 1


  1. Lateral wall of nose

  2. Nasal septum

  3. Rhinophyma

  4. Saddle nose

  5. DNS

  6. Septal haematoma

  7. Perforation of Nasal septum

  8. Viral rhinitis

  9. Rhinoscleroma

  10. Rhinosporidiosis

  11. Foreign body

  12. Rhinolith

  13. Maggots

  14. CSF rhinorrhea

  15. Nasal polyp

  16. Epistaxis

  17. Atrophic rhinitis

  18. Allergic Rhinitis

  19. Fracture of maxilla

  20. Acute Maxillary sinusitis

  21. Oral cavity

  22. Oral submucus fibrosis

  23. Leucoplekia and erythroplekia

  24. Carcinoma of tongue

Larynx & Trachea

  1. Muscle of larynx

  2. Acute epiglotitis

  3. Laryngomalacia

  4. Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis

  5. Vocal nodules

  6. Laryngocele

  7. Cancer of larynx

  8. Horsness

  9. Trachiostomy

These are the important topics for ENT. Every students must prepare them.